Improve Bond & Fixed Income module


Request to enhance the bond and fixed income module by expanding the scope of bonds available and improving market data. Additionally, I'd like to see bond performance metrics integrated into the dashboard for better analysis and insights

-Add bonds to performance scope similar as stocks i.e returns and performance tables/charts (in progress).
-Improve market data scope. Higher scope of bonds (global, corporate, goverment)
-Ability to add our own custom prices and historical prices in case market data is not available for bond
-Add Discount Curves pricing so we can price bonds even on the situations where there is no available market data
-Support for zero coupon, bullet and amortized bonds
-Improve dashboard for bonds - nicer graphs and detailed metrics
-Add reporting functionality and tax for bonds
-Ability to customize bond payments
-(add your suggestion in the comments)

9 Votes


  • rob Oct 29, 2024 17:54

    Please add any use case regarding bonds that you would like to be covered.
    Since bond data is expensive and very broad, we won't be able to cover all scenarios at first, so knowing your use cases can help us prioritize.
    Thank you!

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