Unable to Input Maturity Date & Yield For Custom Asset

In Progress

I noticed that a Custom Assets has default values even though these fields were not available when adding a transaction of this asset type:

Maturity: Jan. 1, 2029
Yield: 3.002%

I want to be able to manually input values for these fields rather than the default ones being assigned.

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  • rob Oct 26, 2024 13:55

    Could you let me know where you’re seeing these fields for the custom asset type? Typically, fields like Maturity and Yield are part of the Bonds or Custom Bonds asset categories rather than standard custom assets.

    Would using a Custom Bond (a bond where you can enter custom ISIN, prices, maturity, etc.) work for your use case? This should give you control over the fields and avoid any defaults being auto-assigned.
    Otherwise, we can enable as well these fields or user defined fields for the custom assets.

  • shanice Oct 29, 2024 03:30

    Hi Rob!

    No, not a custom bond - Enabling the fields for custom assets should be sufficient :)

    If I click on any of my custom assets that are listed under "https://www.allinvestview.com/custom_transactions/" there is a table at the bottom titled "Trades of shanice" which has Maturity and Yield defaulted to those above-mentioned values.

    I say "defaulted" because I did not enter these values when creating the custom assets (as those input fields do not exist) and I don't have the option to modify/update them to reflect the correct data.

    I hope this information helps! - Shan

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